The history of Sylvère Maes permanently erased
What a shame it is that a two-time Tour winner does not receive the necessary respect from his hometown

Disappeared bicycle brands with a cyclist's name
You will sometimes find names of former cyclists on frames of vintage racing bicycles. Are they the producers or is their name simply stuck on the frame? More info in this article

Collectors of vintage road bike water bottles
Just as you have collectors of vintage racing bikes, caps, jerseys, etc., you also have collectors of water bottles.

Cycling museum at the foot of Mont Ventoux
If you are traveling in Provence in France, you should definitely visit the cycling museum Musee Contadin du Cycle

Bicycle in the spotlight: Vanheste with Shimano Arabesque groupset
The bike in the spotlight this time is a Belgian Vanheste with a full Shimano 600 Ex Arabesque group

Bicycle in the spotlight: Atala children's road bike
The bike in the spotlight this time is a special one, namely a children's racing bike from the Italian brand Atala

Bicycle in the spot: Arezzo Sprinter
The steel racing bike in the spotlight this time is a Belgian bike from Norta with the Italian-sounding name Arezzo Sprinter

Bicycle frame in the spotlight: Gazelle Champion Mondial A frame
The Champion Mondial A frame was one of the most popular frames from the Dutch bicycle manufacturer Gazelle.
The frame was first produced in 1969 after winning the road cycling world title by Dutch cyclist Harm Ottenbros on August 10, 1969 at Zolder in Belgium.